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Katie: If you were the ruler on a deserted island, what would be the first plans to put into action? Why?

     If I was a ruler on a deserted island the first plan I would put into action would be who would be the people in charge of certain things. The different positions there would be is vice-ruler, head of hunting/fishing, head of shelter, head of explorers, and head of escape/rescue. The traits the vice-ruler  is that they must be a leader, an idea of my beliefs of running the island, and have some type of leadership before he/she got stranded. The traits of the head of hunting/fishing is that they must have hunted and fished before, a skilled craftsmen to build weapons and fishing rods, and have leadership traits. The traits of the head of shelter is that they must be a skilled craftsmen so that they can build the shelter and some type of work in construction in their life before being stranded. The traits of the head of explorers is that they must be stealthy, a skilled explorer, and ability to be in charge of a large group. The trait of the head of escape/rescue is that they must be intelligent and the ability to think of innovated ideas to get rescued.
     I would make this move first because to have a efficient running group you must have leaders to run the island. If you look at government or groups that did not have a set of leaders the group or government went down in flames. This is the right first move because if you do not have people having their to help you with you leadership decisions if puts a lot of pressure on you. Also as a leader a some in command next leaves you with the knowing that you have someone their to run it if anything happens to you.


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