My research question is Why do the Vikings get such a brutal reputation when Europe was just as violent? The Vikings were a Medieval Kingdom that settled in the countries in Scandinavia at first but spread through Europe. The Vikings are seen as a very brutal tribe who had very ruthless and cruel ways of fighting. Even though the Vikings did raid towns and take the riches of the towns the Vikings also traded and explored like other kingdoms and were one of the very first super skilled boatsmen.
Europe at the time were filled with brutal kings. An example of the brutal king at the time was Charlemagne. Charlemagne is considered being a great team but he also killed people if they did not convert to Christianity and lead the killing of multiple people.
Europe at the time were filled with brutal kings. An example of the brutal king at the time was Charlemagne. Charlemagne is considered being a great team but he also killed people if they did not convert to Christianity and lead the killing of multiple people.
I really like your research topic and the information you have for it!