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Free Post: Buffalo Trip

     My family and I went to Buffalo, New York for a weekend for my mom's work. I had never been so far north. The farthest north I had ever been before this trip was San Fransisco. When we landed we were greeted by my mom's good friend Mrs. Liz. It felt oddly warm in the airport for how cold it said it was outside, but then I stepped outside and the cold hit me it felt like one of those walk in freezers they have in butcher shops. I wanted to get to the house as quick as I could. Once we got to Mrs. Liz's house we met her husband who made some of the best steaks I have ever had. I went to sleep early that night due to the time difference I was really tired.
     The next day I went to Niagara Falls, which was the prettiest place I have ever seen. It was so interesting to see so much water just pumping out. The next day though was the day I have been waiting for the Saint versus Bills game. On Sunday morning I dressed very warm and got ready for my Saints to take home a win. I got to the tailgate spot and was surprised on how many Saints fans there were in Bill's territory. We stayed at the tailgate for a little bit then headed into the game. I saw some of the weirdest tailgating traditions though while I was walking to the stadium, the fans would jump on table that were on fire which was crazy to me. I finally got into the stadium and it was packed. The game I thought was going to be very close but the Saint ended up crushing the Bills which made me a very happy Saints fan.


  1. Oof I have never seen anybody jump on a table that is on fire ! That's cool how you got to see Niagara Falls, I hope you had fun.

  2. I wish I could see Niagara falls! Sounds like a fun trip!

  3. I am so jealous that you went to Niagra Falls. It sounds like it was cold there.


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