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     Every Saturday Bill would go to the gas station with his friends. Bill would always get the same thing a bottle of soda and a chocolate candy bar, while his friends John and Mike would always just get a soda. A soda was four dollars and a chocolate bar was one dollar.
 Bill never knew why they did not get food with their soda. They would always bike the three miles there and back in about 30 minutes. Once they got to Delaware Street Bill, Mike, and John would take a left to their houses and where all neighbots. Bill went back a house with his parents and two sisters and started away at his chores.  Mike and John also went back to their parents and siblings but played video games.

     Bill would swept the house, fed the animals, and cleaned the dishes each day. Once Bill was done with that he went and walked dogs for all the elderly people in his neighborhood. Bill only earned about five dollars each week and Mike and John earned four. Mike and John did not do nearly as much work as Bill did but still almost made the same amount of money. But Bill never played video games or took a break besides those bike rides. Bill, Mike, and John went to the same school for their whole school career, but Bill became a doctor and Bill and Mike became a doctor too.  Bill also always kept to his tradition and went to the gas station on Saturday.

chocolate bar= the extra work



  1. This is a really good example of symbolism because it shows what symbolism is while keeping the story interesting to read. Good job


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