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Showing posts from January, 2018

Research Update

     My research question is Why do the Vikings get such a brutal reputation when Europe was just as violent? The Vikings were a Medieval Kingdom that settled in the countries in Scandinavia at first but spread through Europe. The Vikings are seen as a very brutal tribe who had very ruthless and cruel ways of fighting. Even though the Vikings did raid towns and take the riches of the towns the Vikings also traded and explored like other kingdoms and were one of the very first super skilled boatsmen.      Europe at the time were filled with brutal kings. An example of the brutal king at the time was Charlemagne. Charlemagne is considered being a great team but he also killed people if they did not convert to Christianity and lead the killing of multiple people.

Reading Response

     ATDPTI is a very intriguing and interesting book. I really like the main character Junior and how he explains his life on the Rez. The Rez is not the ideal place to live but the people who live on the Rez make the best of their life. I also really like is how in the beginning is how Junior tells us how good him and his friend Rowdy were really good.      Junior and Rowdy are complete opposites. Rowdy wants to beat everyone up while Junior is scared of being beat up. I find this funny because the two cannot be separated no matter what. Also Junior sister Mary is interesting because I still cannot decide what here impact in the story is.

Free Post: Buffalo Trip

     My family and I went to Buffalo, New York for a weekend for my mom's work. I had never been so far north. The farthest north I had ever been before this trip was San Fransisco. When we landed we were greeted by my mom's good friend Mrs. Liz. It felt oddly warm in the airport for how cold it said it was outside, but then I stepped outside and the cold hit me it felt like one of those walk in freezers they have in butcher shops. I wanted to get to the house as quick as I could. Once we got to Mrs. Liz's house we met her husband who made some of the best steaks I have ever had. I went to sleep early that night due to the time difference I was really tired.      The next day I went to Niagara Falls, which was the prettiest place I have ever seen. It was so interesting to see so much water just pumping out. The next day though was the day I have been waiting for the Saint versus Bills game. On Sunday morning I dressed very warm and got ready for my Saints ...

Research Update

     My research question is Why did the Vikings get such a brutal reputation when Europe was just as violent? This research question is very interesting to me, so I try and find the most reliable which has been easy most of the time because of the ways I learned in class. Another pretty easy things has been understanding the sources because I thought some of the primary sources were going to be challenging to read but they were not.      A challenging part of the research paper has been deciding my subquestions for the notecards. This was challenging for me because I had trouble from choosing which subquestions would be a good fit with my main question. Also creating the notecards have been challenging since I have not been at school and had the help of the teachers and my fellow classmates. The annotated bibliography was challenging but I am happy that I got through it without any major problems.

New Semester Reflection

     One thing I learned in the first semester is the way to annotate correctly. Learning to annotate correctly will really help me because I will have to use annotating in the coming years of my high school and college years. Another thing I learned in the first semester is the way to write a literary analysis. Learning how to write a literary analysis will really help me because it will most likely not be the last time that I will have to write a literary analysis. The third thing I learned was the seeing the different type of characters which helps me see what type of characters there are in books.       The things I want to achieve in the third quarter is to get an A in English. I also want to get a A on my research paper and have everything turned in on time for the paper. I also want to improve my use of commas. I also want to learn how to annotate different pieces of writing. 

Katie: If you were the ruler on a deserted island, what would be the first plans to put into action? Why?

     If I was a ruler on a deserted island the first plan I would put into action would be who would be the people in charge of certain things. The different positions there would be is vice-ruler, head of hunting/fishing, head of shelter, head of explorers, and head of escape/rescue. The traits the vice-ruler  is that they must be a leader, an idea of my beliefs of running the island, and have some type of leadership before he/she got stranded. The traits of the head of hunting/fishing is that they must have hunted and fished before, a skilled craftsmen to build weapons and fishing rods, and have leadership traits. The traits of the head of shelter is that they must be a skilled craftsmen so that they can build the shelter and some type of work in construction in their life before being stranded. The traits of the head of explorers is that they must be stealthy, a skilled explorer, and ability to be in charge of a large group. The trait of the head of escape/rescue ...